Sunday, September 28, 2008


Nowadays, awards are thrown about with the value of confetti. Yesterday I passed along a well deserved award to a wonderful human being, Steph Waller. I met Steph when she was playing a role in the Alternative Reality Game (ARG) "The Ocular Effect". OE was the first ARG that I ever played... It was an incredible experience to interact with highly creative, inquisitive minds. In short, the experience was a lot of fun.

When playing an ARG, one never leaves any potential lead unchecked. That is how I discovered Steph Waller's Blog, Incurable insomniac. Her "Slice of Life" commentary is not to be missed.

Steph responded in kind with a reciprocal award... I am reluctant to accept. After all I am no-one. I deserve no such accolades

However, I do believe that there are some bloggers that do deserve some acknowledgments. So yes Steph, I will pass this award along to some other “real” bloggers, and thank you for the encouragement to do so.

Kim. For constantly growing and letting all know that it is ok to redefine ourselves.

Lia. For your tireless work helping marginalized people know that they are not alone.

Caroline. Because you are anything but Uncool.

Drakyn For helping me to learn about a subject I was woefully ignorant about.

I have another couple of awards to get ready, but those are going to have to wait. Right now I have to set up another blog (team) for Superstruct.


Saturday, September 27, 2008

Hey, Steph

For you. I really do love your blog. A lot of us do!
Steph's blog is Incurable Insomniac, one of my daily must reads.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Debi Crow

Debi Crow is a delightful blogger who is interested in many of the same social issues as I. She has been tracking the plight of the Roma people with a series of links and viewpoints.

I would like all to read this one in particular. The conditions that many of the Roma people live in, is appalling. So, what happens when you combine a sleeping 13 year old child, a lit candle, and bedding together? A dead 13 year old.

The Roma's plight is not singular. There are many people/ethnic/racial groups out there living in retched conditions. Several solutions need to be found all at once.

Social acceptance, which will require a total destruction of stereotypes
Use of low tech solutions to problems
Some plan to integrate the population into society.

An example of a low tech solution can be found in the picture posted above. By using a recycled can, a bit of pipe, a small metal cap, the guts of a mousetrap, and an old wine bottle you have an oil lamp that, if disturbed, will self extinguish.

Cost to me:

3 mins. Summoning up a muse

2 mins. Formulating a plan

30 mins. Drawing it up

Savings to an impoverished group of people?


Please visit Deb's site, you will be glad you did.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Superstruct... not as bad as I thought

Gather round children! The year is 2019 and this is what we are facing:

A global pandemic of ReDS (Respiratory Distress Syndrome). With PtP Avian flu still a threat, ReDS slipped under the radar and was fully entrenched before anyone noticed. ReDS is at this time incurable and debilitating.

The Global food system is collapsing. Too much emphasis on bio fuels, and global climate shifts have contributed to mass starvation.

Nations are now fighting for power (as in energy). To make matters worse, many of the alternative energy systems are incompatible with each other.

Hackers have decimated the net. Security has all but broken down. Voting machines, Geo warning systems, financial institutions have all been affected.

Due to the abovementioned global food collapse, new refugee groups are forming and moving into areas where the indigenous populations are already stressed. This population shift is causing all of the expected things to happen, (none of them pleasant).

Nope, 2019 is not as bad as I expected.

It is a lot, lot worse!

To quote a line from a movie “We’re gonna need a bigger boat!”


Please join in. We need all the help we can get.


Saturday, September 20, 2008

For Kim

For those of you that have not met Kim at Bastante Already... What the hell are you waiting for?

Here is her site

And Kim, per your last post,

For you

I think I get it.


Sunday, September 14, 2008

We interrupt this blog to...

To say that I am royally pissed off doesn’t begin to cover it. I have been working on a rather large post examining Amanda Brooks’ short stay at Bella’s Hacienda. The working conditions are appalling. That post will have to wait.

On Friday September 12th, an absolutely charming Brooke Taylor was interviewed on the Morning Show (Faux). Brooke is one of the top stars at the MBR. The interview was in two parts. During the second part a “Psychologist” came in and in the greatest of rad fem tradition, declared Brook “Damaged Goods”. God, this upsets me. How many times have we seen this attack used on Ren? Or Debs, or Caroline? Grrr.

Speaking of Ren, She has been doing yeomen’s work trying to weed through all of the crap at Heart’s blog and has been valiantly trying to keep a dialogue going. Great reading!

Any way, here are the links to the interview with Brooke Taylor.

First Part

Second Part